Date(s) - 06/06/2018
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Members Coffee Morning/Open Garden  –  Christine Boulby in Acklington

10.30 -12.30 Address and directions in Newsletter prior to visit. Details also available in the yellow Garden Visits cards or information sheets sent to members.

The garden is a patchwork of assorted flower beds, a small pond  and gravel screes. Christine is a plantaholic with many different plants as possible crammed into the garden.  A greenhouse and cold frames are filled with alpines including many auriculas plus veggie plots slowly being turned into fruit patches.

If you wish, please bring a plant for the plant stall, to join Christine’s own propagated contributions.  Donations will go to the upkeep of Acklington village hall.

Parking is on the street, plenty of space, but please be considerate of neighbours.

Contact Dee Boyd 0191 373 0250 for more details or to book a place.