We are currently OPEN for new memberships.
Please use the Contact Us form to ask for more details.
Please note our meetings are for members only.
Membership fees
The North East Group of the Hardy Plant Society is registered with our national group (HPS). We require membership of HPS when joining the North East Group. The good news is that it is very easy to do, you can join both by completing an application form and emailing or posting to our membership secretary or bringing along to a meeting.
Fees are:
- Hardy Plant Society (HPS) £17 single/£19 joint
- North East Group of the Hardy Plant Society – £10 per person (we no longer offer joint memberships)
The North East Group membership year runs from 1st January – 31st December.
Any new memberships taken out between 1st October and 31st December will benefit from extended membership to the end of the following year (e.g. a membership starting on 10th October 2023 would run until 31st December 2024). This applies only to new members.
Our national Hardy Plant Society now offers rolling membership (i.e. your membership runs for a year from the date of joining).
We welcome students who benefit from the national society’s £10 annual student fee offer. We offer students free membership on production of proof of current studies.
What you get from your membership
As a member of the national Hardy Plant Society you will receive the newsletter 3 times a year – in February, July and November. This will keep you up to date with events, plant fairs and study days hosted by local and specialist groups that all members of the national society are welcome to attend.
The Journal of the Hardy Plant is the Society’s magazine. Published twice yearly in spring and autumn with varied articles on plants and gardens.
As a member of the national Society you may join one of these specialist groups:
- Correspondents
- Half Hardy
- Peony
- Ranunculaceae
- Galanthus
- Hardy Geranium
- Pulmonaria
- Shade & Woodland
You can find out about all activities plus much more on the Hardy Plant Society website hardy-plant.org.uk and at Facebook
The HPS seed list is the highlight of the year. For a small admin fee you can choose up to 20 packets of seed (30 if you contribute seeds).
The North East Group

As a member of the North East Group you will receive regular newsletters throughout the year, be informed about our talks and summer gardens visits and our annual bus trip and you can also find us on Facebook.
The meetings programme at Stannington Village Hall runs from September to May. Our May meeting usually includes a short practical demonstration followed by our big plant sale and seedling swap. All other meetings consist of a talk followed by refreshments, plant sales, tea and friendly chat.